


Англійська для юристів

Англійська для юристів

Англійська для юристів

  = 2 сторінка =

lawbooksy is wanted and is supplied there and then or very shortly afterwards – are sales of goods. Anything else where a person is employed for a particular purpose, even when the work includes using materials, will be a supply of services.
  Sale of goods
  Every time something is bought, whether it is packet of pins or a motor car, a contract is made. It is because of this contract that the rights and obligations exist. The contract is made with the person who sells the goods – the retailer, not the manufacturer. One’s claim, in the event of this going wrong, should be directed primarily to the trader from whom the goods were bought.
  Making the contract
  From there to be a valid contract at law there must be two elements; an offer by one side and unconditional by the other. The offer can be to buy or to sell. From a practical point of view, however, the offer is normally made by the shopper who sees what he wants and decides to buy it.
  FN offer can be made in different ways, in writing, by speaking, or just by conduct, as when one takes a supermarket trolley to the checkout and hands the goods to a salesperson that works the till and points to a total at the end. Money is a vital ingredient of a contract for the sale of goods; without money, or money’s worth, the arrangement may not be a contract at all.
  The acceptance of the offer may be made in any of the ways that an offer is made. A contract, therefore, does not have to be a formal document drawn up by lawyers and signed over a sixpenny stamp.

<<<назад<<< * перейти на стр. 1-44 * збірник літератури №69 * >>>далее>>>

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